Gas Emergency Credit
Gas Emergency Credit Is a €20 advance for when you can't Top Up. It is paid back from future Top Ups.
What is Gas Emergency Credit?
Gas Emergency Credit is a €20 advance for when you can't top up. Once activated, your balance can go as low as minus €20 before losing gas supply. It is paid back over later top ups. It has to be be repaid before being used again.
Do I Owe Any Gas Emergency Credit?
To find your balance on your gas meter, press the red 'A' button once to access the credit screen. You can then press the 'A' button again to see the amount owed. This amount includes Emergency Credit used, and also daily standing charges.
To check how much of the €20 Emergency Credit you have used, remove the Gas Card from your meter and press and hold the red 'A' button.

How do I Pay It Back?
A percentage of every Top Up you make after activating Emergency Credit goes to pay back the amount owed. The percentage set is at 45% going to the amount owed, and 55% going to credit on your gas meter.
As an example, you top up by €10 and owe €10 Gas Emergency Credit. In this case, €4.50 (40%) would go to pay off the amount owed and €5.50 (50%) as credit to your gas meter.
Summer Months:
We recommend you keep topping up your Gas over the summer months to cover standing charges. You probably won't be using as much gas, but by topping up you'll have a pool of credit for Winter months, when you'll be using more.