Property Professionals
Approved Housing Bodies, PRS developments and Local Authorities
Taking control of your energy has never mattered more

Easier for you and your residents
Call 1800 929 054
or email propertyprofessionals@prepaypower.ie

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Our team are here to help
Head of Residential Business Sales
087 9072 357
Business Development Manager
087 1683 625
Business Development Manager
087 3956 671
Business Development Manager
087 1960 972
Senior Account Manager
087 1356 016
View our Terms & Conditions
* Subject to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities Green Source Product Verification process. Our 100% green fuel mix will be depicted on our customers annual statements from Q4 2023. Certifiable green energy production with Irish Wind Farms. **Welcome credit is available to new customers only and is subject to a 12-month minimum commitment. Welcome credits signify a rebate offered by the company to you the customer. They are offered at the sole discretion of the company. If you avail of the rebate you are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions and any rebate availed of by you may be withdrawn by the company if you terminate your agreement within the Initial Period from the date of commencement. † Switching to PrepayPower is subject to a minimum initial period of 12 months. A termination fee is payable if the contract is terminated by you during the initial period, see www.prepaypower.ie/termsandconditions and refer to Schedule of charges for details. Unit rate, Standing and Prepayment service charges apply. See www.prepaypower.ie/why-switch/pricing for full details of our pricing. Price is subject to change. For all Estimated Annual Bill information and for all PrepayPower tariffs, see www.prepaypower.ie/why-switch/pricing/rates. Estimated Annual Bill is €1,918.71 inc. VAT All information correct as of 01/04/24. ‡ Study of 2,202 PrepayPower customers, from 2021- 2022 decreased their consumption by a median of 8.3% one year after switching to PrepayPower.